Chambery: New selective collection waste sorting center

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Aktid appointed by Savoie Déchets To design and build the new selctive collection waste sorting centre


Savoie Déchets, a Mixed Waste Processing Association, has chosen to award the contract for the design and construction of the future selective collection sorting centre to the AKTID, SW Architecture, Groupe Legendre, Inddigo and Atossa consortium.

Until now, only metal, paper and cardboard packaging and plastic bottles could be placed in the yellow bin; other plastic packaging was disposed of with household waste. Since 1 January 2023, following changes to regulations, all plastic packaging, including plastic film and trays, can be placed in the yellow bin. This means more waste to sort, but also more different material flows at the end of the line.

The Chambéry sorting centre, built almost 30 years ago, could not be adapted to these changes, so the project for a new sorting facility was born.

This new facility will be more efficient, with twice the processing capacity of the current sorting centre, sorting 40,000 tonnes of waste per year and with 11 outbound flows, and its environmental impact will be controlled and streamlined from design to operation. The site will be equipped with the latest generation of energy-efficient machines and rainwater recovery systems, and will also be supplied with renewable energy from the urban heating network and photovoltaic solar panels. Finally, the site will be planted with trees covering more than one hectare.

Aktid is particularly proud to have won the contract for this local Chambéry project, which has involved nearly 2,000 hours of study by the preliminary design teams since the end of 2021.

This new selective collection sorting centre will come into service in the summer of 2025 and will help to spread the commitment to the ecological transition of the Savoie and associated local authorities: the communities of communes of Bugey-Sud and Sources du Lac d’Annecy, Syclum (Guiers and Morestel) and Sibrecsa (Bréda and Combe de Savoie).